Welcome to My Blog

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Blogspot di performancing

Ternyata blog gw yang di blogspot.com bisa di publish lewat performancing laptop gw. So sekarang klo gw mo posting ke blog nggak perlu login lagi lewat blogger.com, cukup dengan lewat performancing plug-in yang ada di laptop. Tadinya gw pikir performancing gak support blogspot.com. Configure-nya nggak susah kok, cuman masukin link blog-nya kemudian klik check url, tunggu bentar ntar keluar dech alamat API-nya. Gak susah kok. Selamat mencoba...

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Internet yg lambat banget

Busyet deh, pagi ini internet ditempat gw lambat banget rasanya,hampir lebih lambat daripada dial-up. Ini semua gara2 gempa di Taiwan, buka google lambat banget, buka yahoo juga lambat, tp ya lumayan lah yang penting masih bisa kebuka aksesnya, untuk nge-blog jg masih bisa se.
Gw lg bete mo cari download apaan ya daripada server nganggur kagak ada kerjaan download. Em gw mo browse dulu ah update repository.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Ini blog gw

Mungkin ini jadi blog gw yang untuk versi bahasa indonesia. Disini bakal gw jadiin tempat untuk mencurahkan perasaan gw sekarang. Baik susah senang sedih ato yang lainnya. Gw udah punya blog ditempat lain tapi ini gw bikin untuk versi english-nya, sekalian gw belajar writing and grammar. Moga2an rutin dech gw nulis disini.

Bingung pilih blog

Gw pengen cari blog yang enak untuk posting daily events gw.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

New Firefox Extention

Today i've got my new plugin for my browser. It's called performancing
Now, i can read my blog or posting without login to the blogger.com
It's damn cool thing you know, i found it from my rss feed,
It's a cool extension,
Great to the author

Saturday, December 17, 2005

My Birthday

Yesterday it's my birthday, but there is nothing special for my birthday in this year, i've got my work so busy and never stop but i enjoy it, i dont know why, even when i'm tired i'm still like to do that, mmm i think maybe it's motivation for me to keep learning and learning everytime, so you must do that. Science will bring to the future and never lost in future.
I'l pray for my healthy, my work,my school and my future success, thanks Allah

Take it easy man oks.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Busy month

ufff, it's 2 more week's ago since i've not wroten my blog. It's because i have many thing that do with my job. Now i have to finishing the module for called "LAMPID" or in indonesian it's called "Lahir, Mati, Pindah, Datang". There are many thing that will do with that job, i must correct many not completed module or unrun procedure.
I must debug this program coz so many incompleted found at this module. First i correct a few module then another module is being trouble.